This inconsistency aligns with the concept of disorganized attachment, which is characterized by a lack of coherent strategies for dealing with stress (Main & Solomon, 1990). Such attachment patterns can lead to difficulties in forming stable relationships in adulthood. Conversely, Rose Mary's ...
Developmental Psychology: Observational Report of a 2-year-old Boy Child Field Observation in Child Care Reflective Journal Essay Make sure you submit a unique essay Our writers will provide you with an essay sample written from scratch: any topic, any deadline, any instructions. ...
and this one CyberSlug started on was "dir" in his attachment from my testing it works tested with the following examples: GUICreate("List Box testing",400,100,-1,-1) $listbox = GUICtrlCreateList("",140,10,120,80) MsgBox(0,"",_GUICtrlListBoxAddDir($listbox,"drives,e")) ;MsgBo...
and this one CyberSlug started on was "dir" in his attachment from my testing it works tested with the following examples: GUICreate("List Box testing",400,100,-1,-1) $listbox = GUICtrlCreateList("",140,10,120,80) MsgBox(0,"",_GUICtrlListBoxAddDir($listbox,"drives,e")) ;MsgBo...