Supebeda, the study area of this contribution, is a small village situated in the border of Chhattisgarh and Odisha States in a tribal stretch in central India (Fig.1). Groundwater is the primary source of water in this region. In recent years, the local inhabitants have been facing numero...
5. In the equation, the quantity E0(x, y, z) is a vector of three complex numbers that gives the local amplitude and phase of the field. Similarly φ(x, y, z) is a complex number with information on the amplitude and phase of the potential. Taking jr as the real current density ...
This case drew national attention in 2018. About 100 people died and more than 300 hospitalized in a span of few years in a village of 1200 people in a tribal stretch in central India. Medical teams visiting the area reported severe renal failure and bla
Although they represent dimensionless quantity, they are still based on number derived from individual raw data (Howitt and Crammer, 2007 p. 46). It should be admitted that positive and negative values of Eric getting to work identifies the speed with which he can traverse the distance from ...