This directory contains a number of examples of how to run real applications with Kubernetes. Refer to theKubernetes documentationfor how to execute the tutorials. Maintained Examples Maintained Examples are expected to be updated with every Kubernetes release, to use the latest and greatest features,...
Build error with the example projects Subscribe More actions damageG Beginner 05-19-2024 07:31 AM 1,799 Views I get the following error when trying to build the simple-add example on windows * Executing task: C/C++: gcc.exe build active file Starting build...cmd /c chcp...
We discovered that the TaiRON citizen science project was consistent with the elements of the theory of community of practice. In particular, the establishment of TaiRON was enabled by scientific and technological advances; therefore, this paper discusses the characteristics of virtual communities of ...
The complexity of roles in community action projects: the example of the evaluation of `alternatives'. Eval Program Plann 1997; 20: 433-442.Graham, K. and C. Bois (1997) `The Complexity of Roles in Community Action Projects: The Example of the Evaluation of "Alternatives" ', Evaluation ...
The package from the x/tools repository is a client of the type checker that loads, parses, and type-checks a complete Go program from source code. We use it in some of our examples and you may find it useful too. The Go type checker does three main...
Over the past 30 years, Xiamen has been committed to building a community of life that incorporates mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts. The city has taken a law-based, science-based, holistic and coordinated approach to governance and tried to resolve root cause...
Wa Ale isn't trying to be the next Phuket. Instead, the wildlife-rich Asian island wants to show how luxury tourism can go hand in hand with conservation and giving back to the community
"I think there are a lot of positive outcomes out of our engagement with the Chinese foreign minister," Zardari emphasized. Commenting on Chinese President Xi Jinping's proposal for "building a community with a shared future for mankind," the minister said that is "the direction that the conv...
The executive director of a nonprofit reports to the board, and the board makes the final decisions on the programs that the nonprofit will pursue. The Bottom Line Nonprofit organizations are typically tax-exempt entities that operate to better the community. ...
To install docker container [NetBox]: Step script-diff (optional) If you want to make an ansible final commmand to generate configs, only for devices in 'host_vars' directory which you changed manually. The script is useful because you do...