But the worst scenario is some issues which are not issuesof commonconcern,forexample,with respect to contrabands or dutiable goods, the standards adopted in Hong Kong and on the [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 最 糟的是涉及一些並非共同關注的議題時,例如屬違禁品或須繳稅的貨物,香 港和內...
💡logistics和consumer goods 便是industry的两个例子。 《金融时报》一篇关于拼多多的文章也用到了这个句式: Glorifying those who sacrifice nearly all of their waking hours at the altar of work harms everyone,fromthe chief executivetothe custodian. 美化那些为了工...
Zhang Shaogang also pointed out that at present, China and ASEAN are working together to build a closer China-ASEAN community with a common destiny and version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. In this context, in...
Common challenges include: Defining “Unjust”: Subjectivity in what constitutes unfair retention. Lack of Written Agreements: Courts must rely on circumstantial evidence. Counterclaims: Defendants may argue the enrichment was justified, e.g., as a gift or mutual benefit. Seeking legal counsel ...
annual cross-national data for common types of crime,forexample,areinsufficiently sensitive to identify a possible relationship [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 图一所示长期 趋势的延续表明,各类常见犯罪的年度跨国数据敏感性不够,无法据以确定在 犯罪和经济因素之间可能存在的关系。
The example illustrates use of the optional 'XData' and 'YData' input parameters and the optional xdata and ydata output values. 这个例子意欲澄清产品图象和基本的图象之间的空间关系在图象注册。 例子说明对任意‘XData’和‘YData’输入参量和任意xdata和ydata产品价值的用途。 [translate] ...
goods and services. What you want is that if everyone who is able to, works and has a fair opportunity to work, they all together produce enough for a good life for all and that each person receives his/her fair share of what they all produce.[2]Upward economic mobility is about the...
Some government-owned properties are intended for public use and may be funded bytaxation. Apublic good, for instance, is a product that one individual can consume without reducing its availability to others and from which no one is deprived. Examples of public goods include law enforcement, nat...
produce, fresh and frozen options, and prepared foods. Financial institutions that offer retail and commercial banking, lending, investment, and insurance are also considered one-stop shops. Other examples include big-box stores like Costco and Walmart as they offer a variety of goods and services...
Pigovian taxes are widely used today for common goods like gasoline, tobacco, and sugar. There are, however, some doubts about their effectiveness, with critics citing the disproportionate impacts of taxation on populations with lower incomes. ...