Children Study Autism is a mental condition that affects children the most, however, it can affect adults too as... 5 Pages | 2116 Words The Definition And Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Children Teacher/Teaching 'Children with autism are colorful - they are often very beautiful and...
“a checklist of bullying behaviors that include physical, verbal, and emotional bullying” (Olweus 129). Observations of elementary level students took place during recess, while the middle school students were observed during their lunch period; according to the researchers, Bullying Incident Density...
The checklist used in observing Kylie’s development is derived from Allen & Marotz (2003). The checklist for four-year-olds provided basic skills expected at Kylie’s age. Rating Scales (See Appendix 3) Kylie was rated using the Personal and Social Development Scale, part of a full Rating...