ChatGPT-python-example 演示如何使用 4 行代码调用 ChatGPT 的官方API。要求 Python 版本 > 3.6 。 1. 安装依赖 pip3 install openai 2. 执行demo python3 3. 修改对话内容 修改第 4 行代码里的content参数即可。例如: completion=openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", \messages=[...
演示如何使用4行代码调用ChatGPT的官方API. Contribute to wzpan/ChatGPT-python-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
Note: If you don’t have an OpenAI API key or don’t have experience running Python scripts, then you can still follow along by copying and pasting the prompts into the web interface of ChatGPT. The text that you get back will be slightly different, but you might still be able to see...
Use ChatGPT to Translate Your Text from Python Build a To-do App With Python and Kivy Magange Your Todo Items With Ease PDF Report generator Generate custom PDF reports using reportlab & pdfrw PyQt5 Goodforbitcoin, a Cryptocurrency market tracker ...
Unlike ChatGPT, MemGPT capabilities suggest the potential for integrating multimodal inputs and outputs. This enables interactions with different forms of media. Understanding MemGPT with Real-life Example Let’s imagine you’re reading a book, and your memory is like a sliding context window that...
To determine the vocabulary size, we need to identify the total number of unique words in our dataset. This is crucial for encoding (i.e., converting the data into numbers). 为了确定词汇量大小,我们需要确定数据集中唯一单词的总数。这对于编码(即将数据转换为数字)至关重要。
Training data in a JSONL file You can learn to obtain the OpenAI API Key and set up the development workspace in the guide:Getting Started with ChatGPT API and Python. Step 1: Preparing the Training Data The fine-tuning process typically begins with a dataset that is carefully curated and...
Unlock the power of data and AI by diving into Python, ChatGPT, SQL, Power BI, and beyond. Sign up Develop soft skills on BrainApps Complete the IQ Test Relative searches Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correc...
整体实现非常简洁,如需深入推荐阅读该文档 Streamlit: Build a basic LLM chat app,大约需要 30 分钟。 Streamlit 是一个基于 Python 的前端框架,也是简洁地实现该 DEMO 的关键框架之一。为避免大家无法理解 Streamlit 的语法,我会用最简单,最直接的语言进行介绍。 首先,只需要理解 Streamlit 的一个特性。它的特点...
Image-crop-example是一款用于图像剪裁的软件,它可以帮助您快速地对图片进行裁剪和调整。以下是它的详细描述: 1. 打开Image-crop-example软件,您会看到一个空白的画布。 2. 点击“添加图片”按钮,选择您想要裁剪的图片文件,然后点击“打开”。 3. 在画布上拖动鼠标,您可以预览裁剪后的效果。如果您不满意,可以点击...