If you were working with the MongoTemplate of spring you need to access with: template.getDb().getCollection("tenants", TenantDocument.class).insertOne(tenantDocument); and something like: TenantDocument doc = template.getDb().getCollection("tenants", TenantDocument.class ).find(Filters.eq("_...
About ACI Software Versions: It's important to know which version of ACI software you wish to deploy. ACI software releases include the concept of "Long Lived Release (LLR)" versions which will be maintained and patches longer than non LLR versions. As of this writing, the cu...
an example of unsuspected hidden biodiversity Bingqian Zhang1, Xiaoguang Li2, Guojie Li3, Qi‑Ming Wang1* and Manman Wang1* Abstract Large numbers of marine glaciers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are especially sensitive to changes of climate and surface conditions...
Most of them use special features of the respective language to set up predefined, customizable user interface components that are called from within the control flow of the program. This concept is used for example by Matlab and Xplore. Although it is very easy to create simple graphical ...
The aim of the present analysis is to demonstrate that a certain doubleness and instability may be intrinsic to the concept of marginalization and may become visible through processes of transculturation. The Hagar figure of the Old Testament is arguably an archtypical symbol of definitive ...