methampetamineNicotineopioidCocaineIntracellular actionsigma-1 receptorinside-out actionMorphineIn addition to acting on traditionally recognized receptors or transporters on the plasma membrane, several drugs of abuse including amphetamine, methamphetamine, nicotine, opioid, cocaine, ketamine, and cannabinoid ha...
a[1] United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. Patterns and Trends of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants (ATS) and Other Drugs of Abuse in East Asia and the Pacific 2006[M]. New York: United Nations Office on Drug and Crime,2007: XV. (1) 药物和罪行联合国办公室。 安非他明类型兴奋剂ATS和其他...
The federal government restricted the use of some chemicals required for making amphetamine. In the 1990s, the use of the drug increased significantly in the West Coast because drug cartels entered the business. Ever since, the use of meth has increased in the US. 1 hour! The minimum time ...