Furthermore, talker normalization is contingent on listeners' expectations regarding the interpretation of acoustic patterns - which should not happen for an automatic direct-mapping process. The idea that empathy is automatic and representational is not new. The ecological approach provides a foundatio...
EncodingConvolutional neural networksIn this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network-based acoustic word embedding system for code-switching query by example spoken term detection. Different from previous configurations, we combine audio data in two languages for training instead of only ...
encoding exception */ public <T> Attachment attachFile(String url, T t, String partName, InputStream inputstream, String contentType, String attachmentName) throws SmartsheetException { Util.throwIfNull(inputstream, contentType); Attachment attachment = null; final String boundary = "---" + Sys...
The complete set of rules for a language that determines how to make sounds into words and words into sentences is called a. syntax. b. grammar. c. the encoding system. d. the semantic differential. A "morpheme" is...
A device for the high speed recording of photon images and nonrepetitive electrical waveforms which comprises a waveform recorder wherein surface acoustic waves excited in a can be GaAs, not layered piezoelectric-insulator-semiconductor ... RR Whitlock,NA Papanicolaou - 《Journal of the Acoustical So...