[AC1-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] quit # Create a regulatory domain profile, configure the AC country code in the profile, and apply the profile to the AP group. [AC1-wlan-view] regulatory-domain-profile name domain1 [AC1-wlan-regulate-domain-domain1] country-...
Active AC AC1 Local priority: 0 Standby AC AC2 Local priority: 1 Management IP address of AC1 VLANIF 100: Management IP address of AC2 VLANIF 100: AP group Name: ap-group1 Country code: CN Referenced profile: VAP profile wlan-vap SSID profile Name: ...
In this paper we present an example showing that $\\bar{\\kappa}(\\zeta)$ is in the order of $\\sqrt{n}$, the same order as that has been proved. In other words, the current best iteration bound for infeasible interior-point algorithms cannot be improved. 展开 ...
Users can be blocked temporarily (until the end of the current month) if they exceed a certain data quota. Therefore, the parameterThrottleUsermust be set totrueandMonthlyByteLimitto the desired threshold in bytes. Example: {"Port":8883,"Users": [ {"UserName":"Sepp","ClientId":"Sepp",...
Address address = wallet.currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS); address.toString(); 在获取地址的过程中会调用RIMEMD-160算法处理公钥hash: //Utils.java public static byte[] sha256hash160(byte[] input) { byte[] sha256 = Sha256Hash.hash(input); RIPEMD160Digest digest = new RIPEMD16...
L R1,PSATOLD point to current task's TCB USING TCB,R1 SLR R2,R2 ensure high byte is zero ICM R2,7,TCBJSCBB get 24-bit JSCB address USING IEZJSCB,R2 L R2,JSCBACT point to active JSCB L R2,JSCBSSIB point to life-of-job SSIB ...
This code represents this condition as > 0, where 0 indicates the number of records chosen. Iterate through all the records that the user has chosen to delete: Copy for (var counter = deletionPending.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--){ var currentObj = deletionPending[counter]; if ...
fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance. Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the objective fu...
The initial set of immune genes in chicken is derived from "biological process/immune system process" in AmiGo 2 filtered for chicken. Gene symbols were extracted from Ensembl's website since Ensembl has the most current/complete chicken annotation. All steps are explained in detail on the ...
# Create a regulatory domain profile, configure the AC country code in the profile, and apply the profile to the AP group. [AC-wlan-view] regulatory-domain-profile name domain1 [AC-wlan-regulate-domain-domain1] country-code cn Info: The current country code is same with the input country...