The main function of these new journals is to convert activities like designing buildings, entering architectural competitions and writing articles into the activity known as research. The fact that you have done so well in competitions does not depend on vocabulary of form, but on the fact that...
These claims received further support from a re-test of the second group that was administered after they showed a vocabulary growthspurt. However, both diameter and height growth slowed considerably after this initial growthspurt. The brain growthspurt spans from the end of prenatal life through...
The above indicates that the reasoner did not run, otherwise the missionPresents rule would have generated a result like this:s= p= o= ...
Its fans see it as the most exciting and challenging of sports, a true test of a person's physical strength, mental alertness and courage. But those who dislike boxing see it as a brutal and dangerous activity, and some even believe it should be banned....
How can you use “internacional” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Among the principal attractions of this area are the 9-hole public Club de Golf Acapulco, the Acapulco International Center (considered the grandest convention center in Mexico)...
Vocabulary Lessons > (Frequency | Letter Search | Word Search) > Sport How to Use "Sport" with Example SentencesPlay / pause sport 0:00 0:00 volume < previous > next sport (n): a physical activity, often of a competitive nature
This fun activity is not only a good form of exercise, it's also a great way of practising the skills you'll need for a real game of badminton should you ever find yourself on a proper badminton court. While growing in popularity as a fun way of keeping fit, badminton is also ...
A list of Chinese vocabulary words with definitions, pronunciations, and example sentences. Under a CC-BY-SA license. See chinese_vocab_list.yaml for the list itself. Used by the Chinese Prestudy Anki addon. See this blog post for more details. Contributing There are a few ways to contribu...
run (n): the act of moving quickly by foot; an attempt at something; continuous activity; a scoring unit in baseball Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: "Let's go for a run."(go for, go on, have, take)"She broke into a run."(broke into)"The play is...
sentence structure and vocabulary. The topic is very well developed in your essay. Nice work. Your essay has some minor problems in accuracy but it is still mostly readable. You have a good range of sentence structure and vocabulary. The topic is very well developed in your essay.[translate...