A retaliatory eviction occurs when a landlord evicts a tenant for the purposes of revenge, based on a tenant’s action that is within their legal right.
The good news for renters is that typically, banks will allow the total funds of the premium above the rental payments to go to the downpayment for purchasing the home. However, if the rent charged was an at-market rate, the bank may not allow any of the funds to be applied to the ...
3. Rent: Tenants shall pay the Landlord in monthly payments of$Rental Amounton the first of each month for the month ahead. Payment by direct deposit is preferred to avoid late payment and penalties. If payment is not received by the 4thday of the month, a$XXX/day penaltywill be assesse...
Buy 1 put option with a strike price of $55 for $3 per contract (the long put) Sell 1 put option with a strike price of $45 for $1 per contract (the short put) In this example, you have a net cost of $2 per contract for implementing the Bear Put Spread. How the Bear Put S...
This repo is designed to provide a step-by-step framework and example for creating a smart contract on EOS. It uses a simple use case of equipment rentals that list their equipment for rent and renters who pay rent for those items. ...
June 2018.Property is under contract for sale. Exact price unknown. July 2018.Property sold. Final disbursement of $1,133.73 received. Final numbers.I invested $2,000 and got paid $210.84 of interest and $1,133.73 of principal for a total of $1,344.57. This means I only got back 67%...
A limited guarantor may also only be responsible for backing a certain percentage of the loan, referred to as a penal sum. This differs from unlimited guarantors, who are liable for the entire amount of the loan throughout the entire duration of the contract. ...
Commercial and residential rental contracts can be changed using novation if tenants or renters experience changes that affect their needs or ability to make payments. Government Contracting Federal, state, and local governments find it cheaper and beneficial for the economy to contract specific tasks ...