The PASSWORD control statement has format proxyuser@proxypass, where proxyuser is the user name on the proxy server and proxypass is the user password on the proxy server. TARGET_SYS is the name of the TCP/IP proxy server. Figure 1. FTP connection using a proxy server //FTP EXEC PGM=...
For an HTTP proxy, outside any VirtualHost, add the following section. Thecontext_rootvalue is the context_root for the web application being proxied: <IfModule mod_weblogic.c> WebLogicCluster <managed_server1_hostname/IP_address>,<managed_server2_hostname/IP_address> DynamicServerList OFF Debu...
Choose the type of installation, select Custom. At component selection, select Directory Proxy Server. If you are using a remote copy of Directory Server, deselect Directory Server and specify a remote copy during postinstallation configuration. Resolve incompatibilities. The installer verifies software...
Configure proxy ARP on the VLANIF interface of the super-VLAN to implement Layer 3 communication among sub-VLANs. Configure a DHCP server in the super-VLAN to dynamically allocate IP addresses to terminals in departments A and B. Procedure Create VLAN 2, and add GE0/0/...
This example provides guidelines for installing Directory Proxy Server on a single host.To Develop a Sequence for Directory Proxy ServerThe following high-level tasks are required:Checking the installation sequence guidelines Check to see what sequence guidelines apply. Refer to Table 2–1. Checking ...
configuration example of Apache acting as a forward proxy server to allow the use of SSL SNI and the use of a transparent proxy server
Specify the IP address of the DNS server on HostA as Verify the configuration. # Run the display current-configuration command to view the DNS proxy configuration on RouterA. <RouterA> display current-configuration | include dns dns resolve dns server dns proxy enable...
The PROXY object in this example defines a proxy connection from MSCorpNetPPP1 and MSWiFi1, both of which connect to the Work metanetwork. The example specifies "itgproxy" as the proxy server and specifies 80 as the port number. Because it has already been configured using the ACCESS ...
<parm name="Proxy" value="proxyservername:80" /> </characteristic> </characteristic> Remarks One provisioning XML file typically contains configuration information for multiple Configuration Service Providers. To use this example, you must replace the values as appropriate, and add the node as a ...
(&sslSecurityBinding, sizeof(sslSecurityBinding)); sslSecurityBinding.binding.bindingType = WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE; if (sslSecurityBindingConstraint.out.clientCertCredentialRequired) { // Server wants a client cert, but this example does not have one hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }...