Some economists include a fourth sector – the quaternary sector in which they assign the areas of research, information technology, education, consulting, and various other elements of what has come to be known as the “knowledge-based economy.” The knowledge-based economy is focused on utilizin...
If you're an investor making important investment decisions, be sure to compare the P&L statements of companies that are similar in size and within the same industry or sector. This gives you an apples-to-apples comparison. Comparing the financial statements of a largepharmaceutical companywith ...
One example is the idea of offering policy and other incentives to lure more of the informal sector (a large component of economic activity in many developing countries) into the formal economy. 例如,有一个想法是提 供政策和其他方面的鼓励措施,以吸 引 更多 非正 规部 门...
The company could take action to dampen the volatility by, for example, getting rid of an asset that has caused an impairment loss or a restructuring charge. For investors, seeing core earnings enhances their capacity for valuation analysis and relative value analysis of core earnings of companies...
The concept of innovation is also important, seen as a process that results in innovation. The previously unknown product of a given company is the result of its innovation. If implemented in practice, it will become an innovation. Therefore, innovation can be understood and seen as the ...
IKEA is a prime example of a company that has successfully combined two opposing foreign corporate strategies: standardisation and localisation. The respective subsection of this paper overviews the case of China, where IKEA has been building its presence since 1998. The Dutch company was able to ...
Like the copayment, coinsurance is one of the ways the consumer and the insurance company split the healthcare costs. Unlike copayment, coinsurance is not a fixed amount, but rather it is a fraction of the total costs. And the percentage remains the same regardless of the service. ...
What sector of the economy does the government generate the most revenue.? What is the impact of the global slowdown on the Australian banking sector? (a) What would be an example of a company that benefits from economies of scale? (b) How does ...
Business managers rely on economic forecasts, using them as a guide to plan futureoperating activities.Private sectorcompanies may have in-houseeconomiststo focus on forecasts most pertinent to their specific businesses. For example, a shipping company that wants to know how much of GDP growth is ...
Fundamentals refer to the qualitative and quantitative information that reflects a company's financial and economic position. Fundamental analysis refers to the process of looking at the key ratios of a business (revenue, assets, liabilities, etc.) to draw conclusions on its growth potential and how...