Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine Purpose: The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence concerning metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a local community with a low socioeconomic status and a medium and high cardiovascular risk on the example of residents of Janów Lubelski district...
Another example of a study demonstrating the importance of reagents in the for- matioAAnnnooftthhEee-rroeerxxZaa-mmoplpellfeeinooaffsaaassnttuuinddtyyerddmeeemmdooianntsesttrdraauttirinningggttthhheeeiismmypnpotohrrettasaninscceoefoocfforureemaaggaereninnttssoiinrn1tth,h2ee-bffeoonrr-- mmzoaa...
Therefore, the spatial management of the city should take into account the actual use of resources by its inhabitants, as well as the availability of resources within a city and its surrounding suburban areas. Such surveys could be conducted in order to ensure that the basic needs and safety ...
Finally, we present a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of the methodology. Keywords: urban spatial structure; city centre; commercial land; spatial clustering; GIS 1. Introduction Urban spatial structure is viewed as a generalized description of elements arranged in ...