Here, the getName() function takes two String arguments, and returns a String. You can omit the curly braces { } of the function body and specify the body after = symbol if the function returns a single expression (like above example). It is optional to explicitly declare the return type...
Different ways of iterating over array and slice. Check if an item exists in a slice Find and delete an item in a slice Find and delete an item in an array Print an array or slice elements in golang Declare/Initialize/Create an array or slice in golang ...
aggregate function sum which allows to sum the elements of a set and math functions exp and ln to replace multiplication (required to calculate the factorial) with addition (provided by SQL). Note that 0! will not be present in the return, since trying to calculate ln(0) produces an exc...
Data Structures Stack Namiq Sultan 1. Data Structure Definition: Data structures is a study of different methods of organizing the data and possible operations.
Barnes–Hut simulation : Solves the n-body problem in an approximate way that has the order log(n) instead of O(n*n) as in a direct-sum simulation. Baum–Welch algorithm : compute maximum likelihood estimates and posterior mode estimates for the parameters of a hidden markov model BCJR alg...
/** Tries alternate expression if current result is a failure * @param alt the alternate expression to be tried in case of failure */ def orElse[U >: T](alt: => Unpickled[U]): Unpickled[U] = this match { case UnpickleSuccess(x) => this ...
Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm : trie based algorithm for finding all substring matches to any of a finite set of strings Algorithm X : a nondeterministic algorithm Algorithms for calculating variance : avoiding instability and numerical overflow ALOPEX : a correlation-based machine-learning...
Algorithm X : a nondeterministic algorithm Algorithms for calculating variance : avoiding instability and numerical overflow ALOPEX : a correlation-based machine-learning algorithm Alpha max plus beta min algorithm : an approximation of the square-root of the sum of two squares Alpha-beta prunin...
Barnes–Hut simulation : Solves the n-body problem in an approximate way that has the order log(n) instead of O(n*n) as in a direct-sum simulation. Baum–Welch algorithm : compute maximum likelihood estimates and posterior mode estimates for the parameters of a hidden markov model BCJR alg...