Doctoral dissertation summary: Concept for sustainable development of tourist destination (on the example of Varna municipality)Genka Rafailova
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A few years after Hirschman outlined this system for measuring market concentration, American economist Orris C. Herfindahl repurposed the idea in his 1950 doctoral dissertation, "Concentration in the U.S. Steel Industry."3 Whereas Hirschman applied the idea to the concentration ofimports and exports...
Vocational teachers (VTs) have been seen as the key individuals executing changes, solving problems and achieving goals in vocational education and training (VET). Therefore, the work of VTs is fragmented between different types of tasks which influence their professionalism and professionality (individu...
If you are a PhD doctoral or Master’s student approaching graduation, then a large research project, dissertation, or thesis is in your future. These capstone research projects take months if not years of preparation, and the first step in this process is first writing a compelling, organized...
However, such children accounted for a small number of the overall cases. The largest percentage of children receiving special education services had the single risk factor of low ME. From a public policy standpoint, children born to mothers with low levels of education are an important group to...
Helsinki University of Technology: Doctoral Dissertation. Myers SM and Booth A (1999) Marital strains and marital quality: the role of high and low locus of control. Journal of Marriage and the Family; 61 (2): 423–436. Nelton S (1986) In love and in business: How entrepreneurial ...
(Doctoral dissertation) ENGREF,, Paris (2004) Google Scholar Billing, 2018 S.-L. Billing Using public comments to gauge social licence to operate for finfish aquaculture: Lessons from Scotland Ocean Coast. Manag., 165 (2018), pp. 401-415, 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.09.011 View PDFView artic...
I eliminated your entire first paragraph and incorporated your discussion of “purpose” into a new engaging introduction. I also liked this paragraph’s allusion to your role as a “reformist.” Nonetheless, I felt that this passage would be stronger if you did more to define this term. ...
De Bruin and Lewis (2004)introduce an interesting nuance into their discussion on the invisibility of women in business: they refer to women “who play, or are seen as playing” a supporting role. The nuance is important, and has significant implications for governance. Female copreneurs can ...