Squid,octopi,and cuttlefish are all types of cephalopods.Each of these animals has special cells under its skin that contain pigment,a colored liquid.A cephalopod can move these cells towards or away from its skin.This allows it to change the pattern and color of its appea...
A. 1990 Jet propulsion of Nautilus: a surviving example of early paleozoic cephalopod loco- motor design. Can. J. Zool. 68, 806-813.Chamberlain, J.A., Jr., Jet propulsion of Nautilus: a surviving example of early Paleozoic cephalopod locomotor design. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 68, pp...
Consumption rates are the foundation of trophic ecology, yet bioenergetics models used to estimate these rates can lack realism by not incorporating the ontogeny of diet. We constructed a bioenergetics model of a marine predatory fish (tailor,Pomatomus saltatrix) that incorporated high-resolution ontogen...
Consumption rates are the foundation of trophic ecology, yet bioenergetics models used to estimate these rates can lack realism by not incorporating the ontogeny of diet. We constructed a bioenergetics model of a marine predatory fish (tailor,Pomatomus saltatrix) that incorporated high-resolution ontogen...
Owing to poor knowledge of their biology and ecology and to their short lifespan, the assessment of cephalopod stocks requires specialized methodology. As a...Faure V, Inejih CA, Demarcq H, Cury P (2000) The impor- tance of retention processes in upwelling areas for recruit- ment of ...