This raises the question: Are there solutions to Einstein's equations which exhibit induced centrifugal force? If no such solutions exist, then the concept of induced rotation of inertial frames breaks down. Such a lack of connection between rotating masses and induced inertial frame rotation would...
Device controlled by the centrifugal force, for example, the regulator is subjected to the action of centrifugal forceWIRSCHING ROBERTWIRSCHING ROBERT
Centrifugal force - safety device for, for example, by means of electric motors driven machinesSTOEBE OTTO
However, extension to centrifugal distortion parameters is possible with the new form if the Coriolis terms are retained in the matrix of the hamiltonian. The calculations are carried out for OCS with the good agreement shown in table 3 using the previously determined force field.doi:10.1080/...
Method and apparatus for exercise of a pressure force on elongated centrifugal casting of hollow body, for example, geschuetzrohre, during the solidification in the spinning operationPACHALY EBERHARD DIPL.-ING.
Thereafter, 10 µL of the diluted toothpaste dispersion were deposited onto the Alcian Blue-treated TEM grids using high-speed centrifugation (15,000× g relative centrifugal force for 1 h). Images were taken with a FEI Talos 200 kV TEM with a high angle annular dark field (HAADF) ...