Quantity received by ST: Quantity affected at Customer: Customer failure rate (ppm): Origin of the defect: Customer symptom description: 12 Manufacturing The end cusomer believes this part has potential risk. Customer contact: ST complaint creator ST complaint manager: (8d report creator) Tony Che...
Quantity received by ST: Quantity affected at Customer: Customer failure rate (ppm): Origin of the defect: Customer symptom description: 12 Manufacturing The end cusomer believes this part has potential risk. Customer contact: ST complaint creator ST complaint manager: (8d report creator) Tony Che...
欢迎使用“8D报告模板8D_report_example”使用,该文档doc格式,如大家有其它疑问或者新的见解,欢迎大家互相交流、互相进步。 REF header_page_2 \h Customer name Customer ref. Customer Prod. No ST Complaint Ref. ST Commer. product ARRAY ELECTRONICS LTD. F040358000FQS TDA2007A相关...
8D报告案例模板example.docx,CUSTOMER COMPLAINT - FINAL REPORT 8D Report number: F040358000FQS -8D GLOBAL INFORMATION 8D Close Date: February 04, 2004 CUSTOMER NAME: ARRAY ELECTRONICS LTD. Customer contact: Tony Chen Customer ref.: Customer part number: Ar
Page PAGE 1 CUSTOMER COMPLAINT - FINAL REPORT 8D Report number: F040358000FQS -8D GLOBAL INFORMATION 8D Close Date: February 04, 2004 CUSTOMER NAME: ARRAY ELECTRONICS LTD. Customer contact: Tony Chen Customer ref.: Customer part number: Area ref. number: NA401012 ST creator: Mr Gary HUA,...
Origin of the defect: Manu facturi ng Customer symptom description: The end cusomer believes this part has pote ntial risk. Customer contact: Tony Chen ST complaint creator Mr Gary HUA, Field Quality Service Asia Pacific ST complaint manager: (8d report creator) Mr. Bt LEE, Muar plant Quali...
1、CUSTOMER COMPLAINT - FINAL REPORT8D Report number: F040358000FQS -8DGLOBAL INFORRMATIOON8D Closse Datte:Februarry 04, 20044CUSTOMEER NAMME:ARRAY EELECTRRONICSS LTD.Customeer conntact:Tony ChhenCustomeer reff.:Customeer parrt nummber:Area reef. nuumber:NA4010112ST creaator:Mr Garyy HUA,...
1、8D报告案例模板example8D Report number: F040358000FQS -8DGLOBAL INFORMATION8D Close Date:February 04, 2004CUSTOMER NAME:ARRA Y ELECTRONICS LTD.Customer con tact:Tony ChenCustomer ref.:Customer part nu mber:Area ref. nu mber:NA401012ST creator:Mr Gary HUA, Field Quality Service Asia Pacific...
Quantity received by ST: Quantity affected at Customer: Customer failure rate (ppm): Origin of the defect: Customer symptom description: 12 Manufacturing The end cusomer believes this part has potential risk. Customer contact: ST plaint creator ST plaint manager: (8d report creator) Tony Chen Mr...
spring-cve-2024-22243_loose.yaml performs naive scans for any use of the vulnerable APIs; as such, it will often return a large number of false positives. spring-cve-2024-22243_strict.yaml attempts to use stricter logic and taint analysis; however, this has not been thoroughly tested and ...