W. Harvey, 1657, Letter IX to John... W. Bateson The methods and scope of genetics Inaugural Lecture Delivered 23 Oct 1908 (2016) V.G. Zannoni et al. Nature of the defect in alcaptonuria Nature (1962) A. Zatkova An update on molecular genetics of Alkaptonuria (AKU) J. Inherit. Me...
for MS, duration of immunomodulation therapy, and comorbidity and medication prescribed). The data included disability status self-assessed with an electronic, unsupervised ePR-EDSS for MS capturing MS-related disability across the spectrum of severity [18]. The ePR-EDSS consists of 23 questions ...
Two documents are the result of this reflection: John Paul II’s (1998) apostolic letter Dies Domini, and the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Benedict XVI (2007) Sacramentum caritatis. The main points of this stance are as follows: the very fact of broadcasting the Eucharist is a ...