yaml文件 使用NewKubernetesDynamicClient创建pod 使用KubernetesClient创建、更新、删除secret。为了更新Openstack的keystone信息,比如Openstack的租户变了,用户变了,密码变了,可以通过client-go更新Kubernetes中的secret,借助Kubernetes的Openstack CSI插件:cinder-csi-plugin,可以让Kubernetes继续使用keystone变更后的Cinder存储。
Kubernetes Examples This directory contains a number of examples of how to run real applications with Kubernetes. Refer to theKubernetes documentationfor how to execute the tutorials. Maintained Examples Maintained Examples are expected to be updated with every Kubernetes release, to use the latest and...
mv: cannot move '/opt/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/install/.docker_enterprise' to '/opt/oracle/oradata/dbconfig/ORCLCDB/': No such file or directory cp: cannot create regular file '/opt/oracle/oradata/dbconfig/ORCLCDB/': No such file or directory ln: failed to create symbolic link '...
Kubernetes exposes a powerful declarative API system, where the record of intent or desired state is specified by cluster operators in a YAML file or via the REST API, and the controllers work in a control loop to converge intent with the observed state. At a high level, typically, the Kub...
There are various methods to install MetalLB in a Kubernetes cluster: Apply the YAML manifests from theMetalLB repository. Install withkustomizeand referencethekustomization.yamlfilein the source repository Add thechart repositoryand deploy themetallb/metallbchart withhelm. ...
( kubeconfigId: "test0304", configs: "test04.yaml") println "hooray, success" } catch (e) { println "oh no! Deployment failed! " println e } echo "test05" try { kubernetesDeploy( kubeconfigId: "test0304", configs: "test05.yaml") println "hooray, success" } catch (e) { ...
chart repository. No configuration is required to get a basic JupyterHub running, but you do need a config.yaml file. This example uses an empty one. To learn more about configuring JupyterHub with parameters in a YAML file, please see theJupyterHub for Kubernetes documentation(link is external...
kubectl apply -f my-tomcat-deployment.yaml ``` ### 步骤 3: 创建一个Kubernetes Service 最后,我们需要创建一个Service资源来暴露我们的Tomcat应用程序。以下是一个示例的Service配置文件: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-tomcat-service ...
Create the file ingress.yaml and populate it with this code: Copy apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: hello-world-ing annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" spec: tls: - secretName: tls-secret rules: - http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix back...
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname weight: 100 containers: - args: # Command parameter. - --port=8080 command: # Command to be executed. - /bin/start env: # Environment variable used to change container configuration after deployment. ...