Criteria链式调用增强,以前如果有按条件增加的查询语句会打乱链式查询构建,现在有了andIf(boolean ifAdd, CriteriaAdd add)方法可一直使用链式调用下去。 Example增强了setOrderByClause方法,新增orderBy(String orderByClause)、orderBy(String ... orderByClauses)方法直接返回example,增强链式调用,配合数据Model属性对应...
1. When using "for example," it is typically used to give just one instance from a category, functioning as an inserted clause, and is separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence. It can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. For instance: "Air...
4. Please put up your hand if you do not understand this exercise. 5. Lots of mosquitoes will get in if you do not close that window. 6. I shall leave this restaurant if the waiter does not come soon. 解析: 本题考察了条件状语从句中 "unless" 和 "if...not" 的互换用法。 答案: ...
<sqlid="Example_Where_Clause"><where><foreachcollection="oredCriteria"item="criteria"separator="or"><iftest="criteria.valid"><trimprefix="("prefixOverrides="and"suffix=")"><foreachcollection="criteria.criteria"item="criterion"><choose><whentest="criterion.noValue">and ${criterion.condition}<...
Criteria链式调用增强,以前如果有按条件增加的查询语句会打乱链式查询构建,现在有了andIf(boolean ifAdd, CriteriaAdd add)方法可一直使用链式调用下去。 Example增强了setOrderByClause方法,新增orderBy(String orderByClause)、orderBy(String ... orderByClauses)方法直接返回example,增强链式调用,配合数据Model属性对应...
</if> 关于参数_paramerter:参考: 这部分就是对criteria里面的参数进行判断,进而根据条件查询。 <sqlid="Example_Where_Clause"><where> <foreachcollection="oredCriteria"item="criteria"separator="or"> <iftest="...
example.setOrderByClause(“age asc"); //升序 example.setDistinct(false); //不去重 if(!StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getName())){ Criteria.andNameEqualTo(user.getName()); } if(!StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getSex())){ Criteria.andSexEqualTo(user.getSex()); ...
# Configure a route-policy on RouterT, specify the backup outbound interface and backup next hop, and configure an if-match clause to limit the application scope. [RouterT] ip ip-prefix frr1 permit 24 [RouterT] route-policy ip_frr_rp permit node 10 [RouterT-route-p...
/** * FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY/*w w w . j av a m*/ * * @param parameter * @return */ public static String getOrderByClause_TL(Object parameter) { if (parameter == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); if (parameter instanceof BaseDTO) { String...
[SPE] display tunnel-selector Tunnel-selector : bindTE permit : 10 (matched counts: 3) Apply clauses : apply tunnel-policy bindTE Verify the configuration. After the configurations are complete, CE1, CE2, and CE3 can successfully ping each ...