withTokenizedText public IntentsSuggestionExample withTokenizedText(List tokenizedText) Set the tokenizedText value. Parameters: tokenizedText - the tokenizedText value to set Returns: the IntentsSuggestionExample object itself.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest...
("") ? null : Uri.parse(data), getDataType());// Package name{StringpackageName = mPackageNameText.getText().toString();if("".equals(packageName)) { editedIntent.setPackage(null); }else{ editedIntent.setPackage(packageName); } }// Set component for explicit intentupdateIntentComponent(...
*/ public static void callAgentApp(Context context, String operation, String appUri, String appName) { Intent intent = new Intent(Constants.AGENT_APP_SERVICE_NAME); Intent explicitIntent = createExplicitFromImplicitIntent(context, intent); if (explicitIntent != null) { intent = explicitIntent;...
Magic Numbers and Hardcoded Values: The code uses several magic numbers and hardcoded values (e.g.,0x2A,0x1F, specific offsets) without clear explanation or constants, making it difficult to maintain and understand the intent of each value used in the logic. Summary of changes •Added Text-...
✅Do:In a typical multi-process test runner (e.g. Mocha, Jest), the infrastructure should be started in a global setup/hook (Jest global setup),Mocha global fixtureusing custom code that spin up the docker-compose file. This takes away common workflows pains - The DB is an explicit de...
Many of these texts present characters that are explicit in delivering their messages and in analyzing, inter preting, and understanding their situation. The intent underlying these messages is also unclear. The need-state of the listener might also influence the readiness to elicit significant me...
Question: The desire for a sports car is an example of a(n) ___. a. basic need b. want c. extraneous want d. essential want Human Wants In microeconomics, human wants are defined as the desires that human being have in their day to day lif...
For scenarios where the Publisher "example" is not the authority for a given _.example._ domain then that is made explicit in the text. In this document, "API" means the specification resources required for an external party (or in the case of 'private' APIs, an internal party) to ...
For example, a student of epistemology might be interested in investigating the scope of human knowledge.Answer and Explanation: In the Theaetetus dialogue, three definitions of knowledge are presented: knowledge as perception, knowledge as a true judgment, and kn...
Clearly, a square is a rectangle for all normal intents and purposes. Since the ISA relationship holds, it is logical to model the Square class as being derived from Rectangle. [...] Square will inherit the SetWidth and SetHeight functions. These functions are utterly inappropriate for a S...