Basically there is two ways how to handle callbacks from OBS for objects like outputs or sources: Store everything in the unmanaged object that is passed to and from OBS. --> Do this when only unmanaged fields need to be stored and managed code doesn't need to be applied to any of th...
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop/verilator-master/examples/cmake_hello_sc/build$ make Scanning dependencies of target example [ 8%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/example.dir/home/ubuntu/Desktop/verilator-master/examples/make_hello_sc/sc_main.cpp.o In file included from /usr/local/share/verilator/incl...
After a CA certificate is obtained and imported to memory, run the display pki certificate ca command to view the content of the certificate. [DeviceA] display pki certificate ca filename cmp_ca1.cer The x509 object type is certificate: Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: ...
Learn how to expose a class as a COM object in C#. This example adds code in a .cs file to a project and sets the Register for COM Interop property.
(::CoInitialize(NULL))) return -1; ActiveCommandX(); ::CoUninitialize(); } void ActiveCommandX() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char * token1; // Define ADO object pointers, initialize pointers on define. These are in the ADODB:: namespace. _ConnectionPtr pConnection = NULL; _CommandPtr ...
MSFT_NetPrefixPolicy class (Windows) string (in stringTable in resources in commentDefinitionResources) (Windows) CObjectPathParser::Free methods (Windows) MSMQQueue.PeekPreviousByLookupId Multiple-Element Format Names TableCellCollection.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Windows.Documents.TableCe...
The request contains the values of the mandatory attributes ([MS-ADTS] section for the new object of class classSchema. The server verifies all the processing rules and constraints ([MS-ADTS] sections,, and On success, the class is ad...
class CFileRep { public: CFileRep(REPORTING_LEVEL errorReporting, long maxChannels, TRANSPORT_MODE transport, SECURITY_MODE security, MESSAGE_ENCODING encoding); ~CFileRep(); HRESULT Start(__in_ecount(uriLength) const LPWSTR uri, DWORD uriLength); // A stop resets all custom state and releases...
To compile and run the cursor—to—event example, in a terminal window, go to theINSTALL_DIR/jaxp-version/samples/directory and type the following: javac -classpath ../lib/jaxp-ri.jar stax/cursor2event/*.java Run theCursorApproachEventObjectsample on theBookCatalogue.xmlfile, with the foll...
'' # Max times to retry get startup when no query result GET_STARTUP_INTERVAL = 15 # seconds MAX_TIMES_GET_STARTUP = 120 # Max times to retry # Max times to retry when download file faild MAX_TIMES_RETRY_DOWNLOAD = 3 class OPSConnection(object): """Make an OPS connection instance...