Розділи Увійти Azure Продукти Архітектура Розробити Вивчайте Azure Виправленнянеполадок Ресурси ПорталБезкоштовнийобліковийзапис ...
AmlEnvironmentEvent | where AmlEnvironmentName =="experiment_env" and split(_ResourceId, "/")[-1]=="amlws" | extend Identity=(parse_json(Identity)) | where Identity.UserName!="" | project TimeGenerated, OperationName=split(OperationName, "/")[-1], WorkspaceName=split(_ResourceId, "/"...
Then we further adopted the Collaborative Filtering Model that helps to sort and select the optimal assessment method given multiple indicators in order to determine the differentiated weights of different indicators. Finally, we calculated the air quality assessment scores of 13 cities by the Backward...
TableC6o. mRepsualrtisnogf athtreaipnerdfodriffmearennctefubllyy acollnntheectecdriotenrei-alayinerTnaebulreal6n,eittwcoarkns.be seen that the Neural pbNereosttpwnooseerukdranlenuertawl norektwtrQoar1ikniHnLg1r-eQ2s7u2 ilstsbfertoteQmr3othneamlmuolQstit4pallel ethxepeQcrr5iitmereina.ts...
AmlOnlineEndpointConsoleLog AmlOnlineEndpointEventLog AmlOnlineEndpointTrafficLog AmlRegistryWriteEventsLog Anomalies ApiManagementGatewayLogs AppDependencies AppEnvSpringAppConsoleLogs AppExceptions AppPageViews AppPlatformLogsforSpring AppPlatformSystemLogs AppRequests AppServiceAppLogs AppServiceAuditLogs AppServiceAu...
31. 07. 2024 For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, seeLog Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, seeQuery. Online endpoint failure events Get the latest Azure ML online endpoints failures. query AmlOnlineEndpointEventLog | where Message contains "failed" | parse kind=regex...
AmlRegistryWriteEventsLog | project TimeGenerated, RegistryResourceId, OperationType, UserName, AssetName, AssetVersion | top 100 by TimeGenerated Maklum balas Adakah halaman ini membantu? YaTidak Berikan maklum balas produk| Dapatkan bantuan di S&J Microsoft...
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, seeLog Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, seeQuery. All WRITE events Retrieves a list of events of WRITE. query AmlRegistryWriteEventsLog | project TimeGenerated, RegistryResourceId, ...
AmlComputeClusterEvent AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization AmlComputeJobEvent AmlDataSetEvent AmlEnvironmentEvent AmlModelsEvent AmlOnlineEndpointConsoleLog AmlOnlineEndpointEventLog AmlOnlineEndpointTrafficLog AmlRegistryWriteEventsLog Anomalies ApiManagementGatewayLogs ...
AmlOnlineEndpointTrafficLog | where ResponseCode != "200" and ResponseCode != "100" | project TimeGenerated, Location, OperationName, Method, Path, Subscription = _SubscriptionId, AzureMLWorkspaceId, EndpointName, DeploymentName, Protocol, ResponseCode, ResponseCodeReason, ModelStatusCode, ModelStatu...