Potential bias in teachers’ responses, especially EDR integration, could exist. Teachers’ integration of EDRs was measured with a single-item measure that did not provide details about teachers’ integration behavior regarding the types of EDRs or the quality of EDR uses. Additionally, since ...
To ensure that the extra PE lessons in Svendborg municipality did not bias the results of the present study, randomization to the intervention was stratified by municipality. All schools were co-educational schools, with gender integrated classes in all subjects, which is typical for the Danish ...
This was not accounted for in the present study, which may bias the study results. However, one of the primary goals of this study was to test a hypothesized model for factors influencing students’ online engagement and the role of mind-wandering during the entire year long period higher ...
Thus, the human role in inducing errors in an OWF, whether in the form of maintenance or operational mistakes or decision-making bias, is a significant area of concern in the asset management of OW systems. Understanding human performance and the probability of human error is especially ...
But it does appear to me (and maybe this is my bias) that the Christian standard is much higher as it means to our conduct in reference to one another. Sadly, this is not how many Christians practice, but it is clearly written in Christ’s words. To me it seems that Christ ...
Since we selected those students who showed an interest in being taught using SLI and the regular instruction method, there might be a possibility of confirmation bias. Finally, because it was the first author to conduct FG discussions, it is possible that the students provided socially desirable...