Self examination of patients with malignant melanoma in the aftercare: relevance of psychosocial factors and instructions by the physicians. Dermatology Psychosomatics. 2000; 1(Supp 1):8-14.Zschocke I, Rhein J, Grimme H, Stein B, Muthny FA, Augustin M: Self-examination of patients with ...
Subungual melanoma is a rare form of malignant melanoma. It is extremely difficult to differentiate it histologically from benign melanonychia striata or melanocytic nevus, especially in the early stage. We divided 50 cases of subungual melanoma into four groups according to clinical progress, and ex...
Malignant Melanoma: Effects of an Early Structured Psychiatric Intervention, Coping, and Affective State on Recurrence and Survival 6 Years Later OBJECTIVES: We evaluated recurrence and survival for 68 patients with malignant melanoma who participated in a 6-week structured psychiatric group interven......
The effect of message framing on breast self-examination attitudes, intentions, and behavior. Early detection of malignant melanoma: the role of physician examination and self-examination of the skin. Breast self-examination practices and breast-cancer stage ...
Dermoscopy reveals a grayish coloration of the background and longitudinal microscopic grooves either associated (short arrows) or not (long arrow) with the pigmentation. Cross Tabulation Between Dermoscopic Patterns and Dermatologic Diagnoses* 1. Blessing KKernohan NMPark KG Subungual malignant melanoma:...
Fluid beneath the retina (black asterisk) adjacent to or overlying a pigmented lesion (white asterisk) is an additional feature that supports the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 33. Choroidal melanoma with orange pigment. Orange pigment (white arrow) ...
Since 2013, however, the USPSTF recommends annual screening for with low-dose CT in patients aged 55 to 80 years with a smoking history of ≥30 pack years. During PHEs, the physician should be alert to the patients' hidden agendas, which are the reason for one third of all consultations ...
Other secondary tumors are rare and include lymphoma, leukemia, and metastatic tumors (e.g., prostate, melanoma, and lung). Fewer than 50% of malignant testicular germ cell tumors have a single cell type, whereas the remainder has more than one cell type. The relative proportion of each ...
In non-white populations, acral skin is the most prevalent site of malignant melanoma. Early melanomas of this anatomic site are often misdiagnosed as melanocytic nevi, which are not uncommon on acral skin. In fact, clinical and/or histo... Y Ishihara,T Saida,A Miyazaki,... - 《American...
The histogenesis and biologic behavior of primary human malignant melanomas of the skin. Cancer Res. 1969;29(3):705-727.PubMedGoogle Scholar 21. Whiteman DC, Baade PD, Olsen CM. More people die from thin melanomas (≤1 mm) than from thick melanomas (>4 mm) in Queensland, ...