3 delivery of baby to delivery of placenta on4 delivery of placenta to maternal stabilizati What are the risk factors for preeclampsia? nulliparity, chronic renal disease, hypertension, family history, multiples, diabetes, black race When can an US detect a fetal sac? 5 weeks or hCG over 2...
A patient with preeclampsia is receiving a magnesium sulfate infusion. Which assessment finding indicates magnesium toxicity? A.Shortness of breath B.Hyperactive patellar reflexes C.Elevated liver function tests D.Decreased urinary output Shortness of breath: Signs of magnesium toxicity include shortness...
The nurse is assessing the deep tendon reflexes of a client with preeclampsia. Which method is used to elicit the biceps reflex? The nurse places her thumb on the muscle inset in the antecubital space and taps the thumb briskly with the reflex hammer. The nurse loosely suspends the client'...
Deep tendon reflexes of 3+ or greater can indicate preeclampsia and should be reported to the provider. A nurse is assessing a client on the first postpartum day. Findings include the following: fundus firm and one fingerbreadth above and to the right of the umbilicus, moderate lochia rubra ...
This makes sense because if she goes into labor and not enough on its own we need to help. Reason inducation Reasons to do this is if they are post-term, if there is concern related to previous pregnancy that they don't want repeated, any complications like preeclampsia/gestational ...