Exalenz Bioscience Ltd.A company profile of Modiin Central, Israel-based clinical diagnostics services provider Exalenz Bioscience Ltd. is presented, highlighting the company's executive profile, partnership with medical treatment service firm Galectin Therapeutics Inc. and product developments....
发布易8月14日 - 东诚药业(002675)晚间公告称,公司全资子公司烟台东诚大洋制药有限公司(简称“大洋制药”)与Exalenz Bioscience Ltd.(简称“Exalenz”)签署独家经销协议。 根据公告,上述独家经销合作初始期限为5年,如依照协议未提前中止,协议相关条款应在初始期限结束时自动续期,为期2年。大洋制药将作为尿素[13C]呼...
东诚药业:关于全资子公司烟台东诚大洋制药有限公司与Exalenz Bioscience Ltd.签署独家经销协议的公告2019-08-15 证券代码:002675 证券简称:东诚药业 公告编号:2019-084 烟台东诚药业集团股份有限公司 关于全资子公司烟台东诚大洋制药有限公司与 Exalenz Bioscience Ltd.签署独家经销协议的公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保...
Breaking News! Meridian Bioscience Wins the CDC’s Lead Detect Prize Competition, Building on Decades of Leadership in Blood Lead Testing at the Point of Care Read More! People. Purpose. Progress. We believe that genuine connections are what make us human. The opportunity to support authentic re...