ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage: The Future Learn why ExaGrid is the leader in backup storage. ExaGrid provides tiered backup storage with a unique disk-cache Landing Zone, long-term retention repository, and scale-out architecture. Watch Now ...
ExaGrid 独特的磁盘缓存 Landing Zone 允许将备份直接写入磁盘,与在备份过程中执行计算密集型重复数据删除相比,这可以提高整体备份性能。ExaGrid 会保留最新备份的完整副本,以实现最快的恢复、VM 启动和磁带复制。所有其他方法仅保留需要为每个请求重新补充的重复数据删除数据,这可能需要数小时到数天的时间。
ExaGrid retention time-lock for ransomware recovery The combination of the non-network-facing repository tier (tiered air gap), delayed deletes and immutable objects ensures data can be recovered after a ransomware attack. Scale-out architecture Get seamless scalability as your data grows with no ...
The ExaGrid system is a disk backup appliance that enables faster, more reliable backups & restores.
除了版本7.0.0中適用於Veeam的S3對象鎖定外,ExaGrid還提供具有非針對網路的分層(分層氣隙)、延遲刪除策略和不可變資料對象的保留時間鎖定功能,從而提供雙重保險。」 關於ExaGrid ExaGrid提供分層備份儲存產品,具有獨特的磁片緩存著陸區、長期保留儲存庫、水平擴展架構和全面的安全特性。ExaGrid的著陸區可實現超快的...
Lock que inclui uma camada não voltada para a rede (criando um espaço de ar em camadas), exclusões atrasadas e imutabilidade para recuperação de ransomware, anunciou hoje o lançamento da versão 7.0.0 do software ExaGrid, que começou a ser distribuído em agosto de ...
ExaGrid’s unique landing zone and scale-out architecture provides the fastest backup — resulting in the shortest fixed backup window, the fastest local restores, fastest offsite tape copies and instant VM recoveries while permanently fixing the backup window length, all with reduced cost up front...
ExaGrid总裁兼首席执行官Bill Andrews表示:“ExaGrid很荣幸能够被纳入2025年CRN合作伙伴计划指南。ExaGrid多年来一直在完善与经销商的市场推广策略,我们相信本公司拥有业内实力首屈一指的经销商计划。我们的渠道合作伙伴知道,ExaGrid分层备份存储系统运行良好,具有许多独特的优势,能够在客户的备份环境中提升备份和恢复...
ExaGrid连续五年荣获SDC奖,荣膺“年度最佳存储公司” 描述 ExaGrid®,一家提供业界唯一具备保留时间锁定功能的分层备份存储解决方案的领先企业,近日宣布在2024年度取得了显著的行业认可。在11月28日于伦敦举行的第15届年度SDC大奖颁奖典礼上,ExaGrid一举夺得两项重量级奖项。
ExaGrid连续第五年被评为“年度最佳存储公司”,其分层备份存储设备系列被评为 "年度最佳存储硬件创新"。。今年的奖项标志着ExaGrid第九年获得SDC奖(之前称为SVC奖)。获奖者由公众投票决定。 2024年SDC奖旨在表彰IT行业在一系列关键领域的创新、专业技术和成功,其中包括存储和网络安全领域的数据保护和恢复能力的...