Avogadro constantCarbon onionWe report on a method for redefinition of the kilogram by 12C, which ideally joins the atomic and the macroscopic mass units in a natural way. The kilogram artifact will be composed of a number of concentric shells around C-60 and that this is sometimes referred ...
HindawiPublishingCorporation JournalofThermodynamics Volume2011,ArticleID945047,7pages doi:10.1155/2011/945047 ResearchArticle CorollaryfromtheExactExpressionforEnthalpyofVaporization A.A.Sobko DepartmentofPhysicsandChemistryofNewMaterials,A.M.ProkhorovAcademyofEngineeringSciences,19PresnenskyVal, Moscow123557,Russia...
The article discusses Avogadro's number. Avogadro's number is the fundamental physical constant that links the macroscopic physical world of objects that we can see and feel with the submicroscopic, invisible world of atoms. In theory, it specifies the exact number of atoms in a palm-sized ...