在chemdraw软件中,这一区分更为直观。exact mass被标示为单质量,为质谱分析提供精确的同位素质量数据,帮助研究人员确定化合物的精确组成。与此相反,molecular weight则代表了化学分子量,适用于广泛的化学分析,包括但不限于计算溶液浓度、分子比等。两者的应用范围各异。分子量在化学合成、反应机理研究、...
Exact Mass是准确分子量,一般精确到小数点四位 Exact Mass是准确分子量,如果有具体例子介绍一下就更好了:) HBr Exact Mass: 79.93 Mol. Wt:80.91m/e:79.93(100%),81.92(97.3%)
如果你说的是chemdraw里的话,exact mass是monoisotopic mass,molecular weight是化学分子量,前者给质谱...
Molecular weight62.134 Percent sulfur (mass%)51.5 Boiling point (°C)37.34 Freezing point (°C)-98.27 Density (20°C) (g/cc)0.847 Critical temperature (°C)229 Critical pressure (mm Hg)42,664 Heat of vaporization H v (25°C) (Cal/g)106 ...
A method for elucidating the elemental compositions of low molecular weight chemicals by exact mass was developed and tested for 113 chemicals of environmental interest with molecular masses up to ~400 Da. The provisional result was presented at the 53~(rd) ASMS Conference. The latest result ...
We report a method of metabolomic profiling of intact tissue based on molecular preservation by extraction and fixation (mPREF) and high-performance chemical isotope labeling (CIL) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). mPREF extracts metabolit
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 Exact Mass是准确分子量,一般精确到小数点四位Exact Mass是准确分子量,如果有具体例子介绍一下就更好了:) HBrExact Mass:79.93Mol.Wt:80.91m/e:79.93(100%),81.92(97.3%) 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
如果你说的是chemdraw里的话,exact mass是monoisotopic mass,molecular weight是化学分子量,前者给质谱...
We report a method of metabolomic profiling of intact tissue based on molecular preservation by extraction and fixation (mPREF) and high-performance chemical isotope labeling (CIL) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). mPREF extracts metabolites by aqueous methanol from tissue biopsies withou...