品牌:Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales 系列:EX-F60 类目:传感器,变送器 > 专用传感器 封装: -- 说明:SENSOR LEAK DETECT 12-24VDC NPN 阿里巴巴旗下元器件采购平台「数万家专业分销商与工厂的聚集地,货源海量,品类涵盖IC、分立、阻容、连接器、电子材料等。」 ...
Generating these datasets usually involves a complex coordination of automation and manual effort. Moreover, most available labelling tools focus on specific media types (e.g., images or video). Consequently, they cannot perform complex labelling tasks for multi-sensor setups. Recently, ASAM ...
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Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft DirectX API. This is not intended to be used directly from your code. Definition
A prototype microfluidic platform for miniaturization and automation of serial dilution and dose-response assays. A novel microfluidic device was designed and developed to miniaturize, multiplex, and automate serial dilution and three-reagent dose-response assays using... J Koehler,S Vajjhala,C Coyne...
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