This 2025 EX30 review combines 11 professional reviews with concrete data like performance specs, fuel economy estimates and safety ratings. Check out excerpts from some of the reviews that drive our rankings and analysis. READ MORE "The EX30 is an inexpensive EV, not a cheap one, and a ...
C/D SAYS: Read our 2026 Volvo ES90 review for information on ratings, pricing, specs, and features, and see how this hatchback performed in our testing. Learn More 2026 Volvo EC40 Starting at $55,000 est EPA Est. Range N/A C/D SAYS: The 2026 Volvo EC40 EV is a renamed version...
Volvo Ex30 200kW Single Motor Plus 51kWh 5dr Auto review Read our version review RRP £32,850See the full range Performance & drive What it’s like to drive, and how quiet it is Strengths +Easy to drive +Comfortable ride +Rapid performance Weaknesses -Entry-level version's 49kWh bat...
外观设计硬朗,看起来很干练,符合沃尔沃品牌一贯的风格。车辆设定偏向舒适性,底盘很硬朗,支撑性不错,方向盘的回馈力也非常清晰。语音系统非常好用,语音识别非常准确,车机反应迅速。 缺点 内饰用料感觉不够豪华,很多地方是硬塑料,与豪华品牌定位不符合。虽然车身尺寸不小,但后排空间比较局促,实用性一般。 总结 这是一个...
【4K中字】24款 沃尔沃V60 Polestar Engineered Review-动力更强!!!。 1237 -- 1:13 App 沃尔沃EX30, 沃尔沃家族最小纯电SUV 适合哪些人群? 9118 4 0:56 App 沃尔沃EX30正式发布,来看落地价格和养车成本 3.5万 7 1:14 App 2024款沃尔沃XC40再降10万,北欧之星沃尔沃摊牌了! 1922 1 0:18 App 没睡呢...
Where you’d once have found a front grille, there’s just an indentation mimicking the diagonal Volvo logo. They’ve gone for the old ‘paint-the-roof black’ trick to make it look a bit lower and sleeker, but this isn’t a threatening, aggressive, sporty SUV. From some angles, it...
沃尔沃亚太-沃尔沃EX30 全部年款 品牌找车: 请选择品牌 请选择车系 车系首页 报价 图片 参数配置 经销商 文章 油耗 保养 二手车 点评宝 降价优惠平均得分: 0 . 0 / 5.0 全部0条点评>> 在同价位车中排行(共415辆): -外观 -油耗 -动力 -操控 -内饰 -空间 -质量 我要打分>> 沃尔沃EX30 ...
Write a Review (Opens in a new window) 14 reviews Sort Anthony Verified Buyer Product Standouts Good Capacity 1 month ago Rated 1 out of 5 stars Buckle with straps on the side are placed too high I really wanted to like this pack. I was basically looking for a dry-bag -style bac...
The powerful data review supports 24-hour trends for alarm events. Extra features include Breathing circuit with CO2 bypass valve, which supports CO2 canister exchange during surgery Information message displayed on screen to confirm the correct assembly of a CO2 canister Information message displayed ...
C/D SAYS:Read our 2025 Volvo T8 Hybrid review for information on ratings, pricing, specs, and features, and to see how this SUV performed in our testing.Learn More 2026 Volvo EC40 Starting at $55,000est EPA Est. Range N/A C/D SAYS:The 2026 Volvo EC40 EV is a renamed version of...