Ex Works (EXW),中文译为工厂交货或工厂提货,是国际贸易中常用的国际贸易术语之一。它明确规定了买卖双方在货物交付方面的责任和义务,是《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms®)中风险转移点最早的术语。理解和正确运用EXW术语对于保障买卖双方的权益至关重要。 一、 EXW 的核心含义 Ex Works 的核心在于卖方仅需在...
A. To deliver the goods to the buyer's warehouse B. To make the goods available at the seller's factory C. To arrange for transportation to the port D. To insure the goods during transit 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。解析:“ex - works”(工厂交货)条款下,卖方的主要责任是在自己的工...
ex-work是工厂交货的贸易方式。EXW 全称为 Ex Works (Named Place),即工厂交货(指定地点),是一种国际贸易中的常用术语。根据国际商会的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms),在 EXW 贸易方式下,卖方的责任是最小化的。这意味着卖方只需要在自己指定的地点,通常是其工厂或仓库,将货物准备就绪并置于买方的处置之下...
EX-Works 是工厂交货(指定地点)的贸易方式。EX-Works 全称为 Ex Works (Named Place),即工厂交货(指定地点),是一种国际贸易中的术语。根据国际商会发布的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms),在 EXW贸易方式下,卖方的责任是最小化的。具体来说,卖方只需要在合同约定的时间和地点,通常是其工厂或仓库,将货物准备...
Ex works Terms of Delivery in Simple terms The above articles clearly explain about Ex-works and DDP. The Exporter and Importers may use latest version of Inco Terms 2020 for movement of their goods.Click here to read the content of Incoterms 2020, easily explained ...
Ex works Terms of Delivery in Simple terms Also read12 tips to Seller on CIP terms of Delivery Detailed articles about Inco Terms of Delivery under export and import of International business have been mentioned in separate category –INCO TERMS– in this web site.You can click here to read....
The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on the selected vessel. Although with EXW trade terms, the seller can offer the load the goods on the vessel, they are not obligated to. If a buyer needs their cargo loaded on the vessel, they can choose FOB or Free on Board. ...
Ex works Terms of Delivery in Simple terms The above articles clearly explain about Ex-works and DAP. Detailed articles about Inco Terms of Delivery under export and import of International business have been mentioned in separate category –INCO TERMS– in this web site.You can click here to ...
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How Does Insurance Work With Ex Works Terms? Under Ex Works terms, the responsibility for insurance falls entirely on the buyer. Since the risk transfers to the buyer as soon as the goods are made available at the seller's premises, the buyer must arrange insurance coverage from this point ...