SynonymDefinition Aside From Bar the act of preventing "there was no bar against leaving" "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza" Barring the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto Beside Besides making an additional point anyway "I don''t want ...
Synonym: antique demode old-fashioned old-hat(p) outmoded passe passee ex [eks] 中文翻译 1 n. 前妻或前夫 2 prep. 不包括,除外 英语释义 1 n a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband 2 n a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife 3 n the 24th letter of the...
Synonyms for exclaiming in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for exclaiming. 1 synonym for exclaiming: exclamation. What are synonyms for exclaiming?
expense (redirected fromexpence) Dictionary Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> at the price of at the cost of with the loss... with the sacr... at the expens... ...
blot out cancel clean (up) efface eradicate erase expunge extirpate liquidate obliterate root (out) rub out snuff (out) stamp (out) sweep (away) wipe out See All Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Choose the Right Synonym forexterminate
Synonym of the Day March 15, 2025Which one is a synonym forarrest? dispelapprehendspurn Get the answer Start each day with the Synonym of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
BaseType任何架构范围内的对象指定对象的基类型。 当指定的对象为 SYNONYM 时,将返回基础对象的基类型。 Nonnull = 对象类型 基本数据类型:char(2) CnstIsClustKey约束具有聚集索引的 PRIMARY KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int CnstIsColumn约束单个列上的 CHECK、DEFAULT 或 FOREIGN KEY 约束。
BaseType任何架构范围内的对象指定对象的基类型。 当指定的对象为 SYNONYM 时,将返回基础对象的基类型。 Nonnull = 对象类型 基本数据类型:char(2) CnstIsClustKey约束具有聚集索引的 PRIMARY KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int CnstIsColumn约束单个列上的 CHECK、DEFAULT 或 FOREIGN KEY...
当指定的对象为 SYNONYM 时,将返回基础对象的基类型。 Nonnull = 对象类型 基本数据类型:char(2) CnstIsClustKey 约束 具有聚集索引的 PRIMARY KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int CnstIsColumn 约束 单个列上的 CHECK、DEFAULT 或 FOREIGN KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int...
当指定的对象为 SYNONYM 时,将返回基础对象的基类型。 Nonnull = 对象类型 基本数据类型:char(2) CnstIsClustKey 约束 具有聚集索引的 PRIMARY KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int CnstIsColumn 约束 单个列上的 CHECK、DEFAULT 或 FOREIGN KEY 约束。 1 = True 0 = False 基本数据类型:int...