Postcode: EX12 2AA Postcode Area: Exeter EX12 2AA Administrative Division The postcode EX12 2AA is located in England. Country: England County: Devon District: East Devon Region: South West Ward: SeatonEX12 2AA Map The postcode EX12 2AA is located at 50.712181, -3.073540. You can ...
Postcode: SY10 7EX Postcode Area: Shrewsbury SY10 7EX Administrative Division The postcode SY10 7EX is located in England. Country: England County: Shropshire District: Shropshire Region: West Midlands Ward: Gobowen, Selattyn and Weston RhynSY...
If you know the postcode try Tells you about house prices, crimes, council, let, bought and employment in the area. Report WhereAmIGoingWhatAmIDoing ·14/05/2017 17:13 I lived in and next to an ex-council house. The next door house was rented out and the pri...
$URL->insert(array('m'=> $MEMBER->member_id()));print'<h3>MP for '. preg_replace("#{$searchterm}#i",'<span class="hi">$0</span>', $constituency);if($validpostcode) {// Display the postcode the user searched for.print' ('. htmlentities(strtoupper($args['s'])) .')'; }...
$back->setPostCode(input::getInput("post.post_code")); $back->setWorkAt(input::getInput("post.work_at")); $back->setStudyList(input::getInput("post.study_list")); $back->setWorkList(input::getInput("post.work_list"));
Postcode:EX23 8BX Postcode Area:Exeter EX23 8BX Administrative Division The postcode EX23 8BX is located in England. Country:England County:Cornwall District:Cornwall Region:South West Ward:Bude EX23 8BX Map The postcode EX23 8BX is located at 50.832195, -4.545625. You can find the approxi...
EX11 1HE Administrative Division The postcode EX11 1HE is located in England. Country: England County: Devon District: East Devon Region: South West Ward: Ottery St MaryEX11 1HE Map The postcode EX11 1HE is located at 50.750969, -3.275806. You can find the approximate location of the...
$postcodedata = Lookup::postcodes();foreach($countrydataas$code => $country) { $countries[$code] = $country['name'];if(!isset($regionmap[$country['region']])) { $regionmap[$country['region']] =array(); } $regionmap[$country['region']][] = $code;if(isset($postcodedata[$code...
$r .= data_entry_helper::textarea(array('label'=>'Address','fieldname'=>'smpAttr:9','id'=>'address')); $r .="</div>\n"; $r .="<div id=\"site\">\n"; $r .= data_entry_helper::map(); $r .= data_entry_helper::date_picker(array('label'=>'Date','fieldname'=>'...
EX32 7JY Administrative Division The postcode EX32 7JY is located in England. Country: England County: Devon District: North Devon Region: South West Ward: Bratton FlemingEX32 7JY Map The postcode EX32 7JY is located at 51.093323, -4.009481. You can find the approximate location of the...