Ex post factois Latin for "from a thing done afterward". Approval for a project that's given ex post facto—after the project already has been begun or completed—may just have been given in order to save face. An ex post facto law is one that declares someone's action to be criminal...
an ex post facto law.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of ex post facto1 First recorded in 1625–35; from Latin: “from a thing done afterward, from what is done afterward” Discover More Example Sentences NRA defends the constitutional right to something similar, ex post facto....
ex post fac·to (ĕks′ pōst făk′tō) adj. Formulated, enacted, or operating retroactively:"When we apply today's morality to yesterday's mores, we indulgein ex post factojudgment"(William Safire). [Latinex postfactō:ex,from+postfactō, ablative ofpostfactum,that which is done after...
Origin ofex post1 1635–45; <Latin:from (what lies) behind, according to (what lies) behind Discover More Example Sentences But it was only when Adams encouraged Smith of the Los Angeles Philharmonic to take a look at the score, and Mattingly began to send along recorded clips, that “St...
源自中世纪拉丁语 ex postfacto,意为“事后根据已完成的事情”。源自 factum 的与格形式 facto,意为“行为,行动”(参见 fact)。还参见 ex-, post-。 ex post facto_法律行业词汇 有追溯力的 ex post facto词源英文解释 Adverb Late Latin, literally, from a thing done afterward ...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You ...
Ex post facto is Latin for "after the fact," or something changed after an act. It often refers to laws enacted after a crime or action has already been taken. This would render some people guilty of breaking laws applied after the fact, even if their actions were not considered illegal...
Ex Post Facto Laws [Latin, "After-the-fact" laws.] Laws that provide for the infliction of punishment upon a person for some prior act that, at the time it was committed, was not illegal. Ex post facto laws retroactively change the rules of evidence in a criminal case, retroactively ...
1.a prefix occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, meaning “out, out of, away, forth” (egregious; exclude; exhale; exit; export; extract), used also to signify that the action of a base verb has been carried to a conclusive point (effect; effete; erase; exaggerate; excite; exhaust...
ex post facto(拉丁语)事后的;(拉丁语)溯及既往的,adv. (拉丁语)事后的;(拉丁语)追溯的 ex factory工厂交货 ex gratia(拉)作为优惠的;[商]通融的 ex同义词 prep. 不包括,除外 barring ex词源中文解释 1827年,最初是 ex-Catholic 的缩写,参见 ex-。自1929年起作为 ex-wife, ex-husband 的缩写,等等。