Weller, Barbara SpechtRegent U.l.rev
Pero lo que es una bendición para aquel país, podría ser un problema para Venezuela. A pesar de lo complicado del año petrolero, en el 2012, los precios apenas subieron, debido en parte al aumento de la producción en Dakota del Norte. Se habla ahora de nuevas técnicas capaces de ...
Shannon, Brian D., Specialty Courts, Ex Parte Communications, and the Need to Revise the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct (Fall 2013). Baylor Law Review, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2338022Contact Information Brian D. Shannon (Contact Author) Texas Tech University Sc...
Texas, the no-fault statute is titled "Insupportability." This law provides that on petition by either party, "a divorce may be decreed without regard to fault if the marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities" that destroys the purpose of marriage and ...
ex parte communicationsModel Code of Judicial ConductThis Article will discuss the shortcomings in the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct, particularly with regard to ex parte communications and not including any provisions that recognize the new role of judges in specialty courts; the approach set forth...
Volokh, Eugene