This systematic review and meta-analysis study aimed to investigate the effect of sexual counseling based on PLISSIT (Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, and Intensive Therapy) and EX-PLISSIT models on sexual function, satisfaction, and quality of sexual life. We searched seven ...
stable over time. The introduction of H215O PET/MRI in nephrological research could be highly relevant for future pre-transplant kidney evaluation and as a tool for studying renal physiology in healthy and diseased kidneys. Keywords: ex vivo kidney;normothermic machine perfusion;positron emission ...
新京报贝壳财经讯(记者段文平)9月29日,广州市人民政府办公厅发布关于调整房地产市场平稳健康发展措施的通知,其中明确,取消居民家庭在本市购买住房的各项限购政策,通知自2024年9月30日起正式实施。 根据通知,本次限购政策调整后,本市户籍、非户籍居民家庭和单身人士在全市范围内购买住房的,不再审核购房资格,不再限制...
Cosmetic Breast Augmentation with Autologous Ex Vivo-Expanded Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell (Stemform)-Enriched Fat Grafts: A Study of the First Twenty-Two Real-World Patientsdoi:10.1007/s00266-023-03711-6Mamsen, Frederik Penzien Wainer...
Priya KudiView further author omprakash@niperguwahati.inOm Prakash RanjanView further author informationPurusottam MohapatraView further author informationSatyajit MurkuteView further author informationSrijita Sen
The prospects of A. paniculata in the pharmaceutical industry are promising, with ongoing research focusing on elucidating its mechanisms of action, exploring novel formulations for improved bioavailability, and investigating its potential in treating chronic diseases like cancer and metabolic disorders. ...
Influence of Examiner Experience on the Measurement of Bone-Loss by Low-Dose Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: An Ex Vivo Studydoi:10.3390/jimaging10080177Ruetters, MauriceAlexandrou, KoralliaCiardo, AntonioAwounvo, SinclairGehrig, HolgerKim, Ti-Sun...
Cytotoxic Natural Products from Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.) D.DonHeieren, Bj酶rn TobiassenDyrdal, Anja StrandvollHerfindal, LarsHolmelid, BjarteBrede, CatoAndersen, Heidi LieFossen, Torgils
Cytotoxic Natural Products from Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.) D.DonHeieren, Bj酶rn TobiassenDyrdal, Anja StrandvollHerfindal, LarsHolmelid, BjarteBrede, CatoAndersen, Heidi LieFossen, Torgils