BLUE TALISMAN Designed as a hypnotic jewel, BLUE TALISMAN encapsulates the best of EX NIHILO’s know-how as an olfactory statement celebrating the House Ten Years. Shop now Discover QUINTESSENCE The new collection of Extraits de parfum, reflection of our obsession for excellence, offering quintessent...
Designed as a hypnotic jewel, BLUE TALISMAN encapsulates the best of EX NIHILO’s know-how as an olfactory statement celebrating the House Ten Years. Shop now Extrait de parfum QUINTESSENCE Introducing the new GOLD IMMORTALS Extrait de Parfum to the Quintessence collection. The creation expresses ...
BLUE TALISMAN秉持了高级珠宝的设计思路,并汇聚了EX NIHILO最精湛的专业知识,成为品牌成立10周年的嗅觉献礼之作。这款尖端香水,象征着不闲的精神能量。梨和佛手柑的微妙清新质感,被麝香和琥珀香调所糅合。这支作品全面体现了品牌前卫独特的精神。 视频与香水细节图查看全部 ...
EX NIHILO 品名 花之迷醉 香味 Extrait De Parfum花之迷醉精粹,Signature Musc花之迷醉升级版,blue talisman 蓝色护身符浓香 现货,blue talisman蓝色护身符 7.5ml原装小样,Fleur Narcotique花之迷醉7.5ml,Lust in Paradise欲望天堂100ml无盒,Fleur Narcotique花之迷醉50ml,Lust in Paradise欲望天堂50ml,套盒5*7.5ml花...
Blue Talisman Spanish perfumer Jordi Fernández worked on BLUE TALISMAN like a jeweler from Place Vendôme: the result is a languishing, sensual and suave olfactory creation, celebrating the most precious materials with a straight contemporary twist. Parisian craftsmen have carefully designed its cap,...
EX NIHILO 品名 花之迷醉 香味 绿之婆姿VIPER GREEN 100ml 毒蛇绿现货,Fleur Narcotique花之迷醉100ml,Extrait De Parfum花之迷醉精粹100ml,Signature Musc花之迷醉升级版,Lust in Paradise欲望天堂100ml升级版,blue talisman 蓝色护身符浓香,VENENUM KISS 100ml EDP毒吻,LOVE SHOT爱情射击100ml现货,SWEET MORPHINE...
EX NIHILO embodies this philosophy through luxurious art pieces and very confidential editions. The perfect combination between the secular know-how of high perfumery, the most innovative techniques and the talent of an emerging generation of craftsmen from all over the world. Blue Talisman Spanish ...
BLUE TALISMAN 蓝之庇佑 淡香精50ml人民币1,780元 淡香精100ml 人民币 2,580元 EX NIHILO品牌介绍 EX NIHILO 出自拉丁文,蕴含“无中生有”的意思,展示了品牌突破界限,创造独特香氛体验的品牌精神。 EX NIHILO旗舰店坐落于巴黎中心圣奥诺雷街352号,由三位巴黎都会人士Sylvie Loday、Olivier Royère、Benoît Verdie...
blue talisman 蓝色护身符100ml VENENUM KISS 100ml EDP毒吻 LOVE SHOT爱情射击100ml SWEET MORPHINE100ml甜蜜mfa IRIS PORCELANA 100ml 鸢尾 琥珀天空Amber Sky 100ml COLOGNE 352 100ml EDP Lust in Paradise欲望天堂100ml CITIZEN X公民100ml FRENCH AFFAIR 100ml ...
blue talisman 蓝色护身符100ml VENENUM KISS 100ml EDP毒吻 LOVE SHOT爱情射击100ml SWEET MORPHINE100ml甜蜜mfa IRIS PORCELANA 100ml 鸢尾 琥珀天空Amber Sky 100ml COLOGNE 352 100ml EDP Lust in Paradise欲望天堂100ml CITIZEN X公民100ml FRENCH AFFAIR 100ml VETIVER MOLOKO香草牛奶100ml ...