In 2017, Claudia Ackley, then 46, had made news when it was reported she had sued the National Park Service over their finding that she or her daughters had not seen a Bigfoot. The story became big news in the Bigfoot community. Thelocal paperdetailed the incident of her immediate family...
Finally, we are hearing from Bigfoot himself who has commented on new findings that confirm his existence. Graham Roumieu personally forwarded the breaking news to me that Bigfoot has a few choice words to say about the supposed results from the new DNA tests. In a series of four hard-...
Flashes bright when squeezed tight: How single-celled organisms light up the oceansPhysOrg - July 6, 2020 Research explains how a unicellular marine organism generates light as a response to mechanical stimulation, lighting up breaking waves at night. Every few years, a bloom of microscopic organi...
I asked Kelly why she supported Katie over the three other Democrats in the race, and she is happy to answer: “I like that she’s a proven warrior when standing up against the stacked deck!! She supports my views and I found her the strongest candidate to beat the horrid Mimi!” ...
I can’t think up any time line that could make sense and haven’t encountered anyone else’s explanation of it. It appears that I am supposed to have heard of the massacre somehow and taken the tracking dog to try to find the site, then having found it having joined in the conspiracy...
Mangiacopra “concluded that at least some reports might be of pinnipeds—that is, seals. In Mangiacopra’s scenario, Northern Elephant Seals might, just might, have made their way up what were once free-flowing river systems long ago and found themselves trapped in Payette Lake by twentieth...
s from his dogs sleeping on it. “They like to lay up there in the sun” he said. “After a couple weeks the depression gets wallowed out pretty wide and deep”. “Did you let him know that?” I asked. “Yeah” he said, “But he wouldn’t believe me. He knew it was Big...
Patterson was eager to get his film of the creature developed to ensure that he had in fact caught the creature on the film. On this point, Gimlin has stated, “We weren’t sure from Roger stumbling and falling down on the sandbar and getting up and running…we didn’t even have an ...
by admin on June 20, 2006 in Breaking News, Cryptotourism, CryptoZoo News, Cryptozoology, Loch Ness Monster, Media Appearances, Movie Monsters, Obituaries, Reviews Read MoreOrang Pendek in Maine Delivered today, for inclusion in the Bates College exhibition, "Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place ...
Shirley has been involved in Bigfoot studies since 2012. That year he began teaming up with Lyle Blackburn, and working with Craig Woolheater to investigate Louisiana and Texas reports, especially around Caddo Lake. For instance, in October 2014, Shirley was at the Boggy Creek Festival in Arkan...