WLP(WaferLevelPackage)技术简介 晶圆级封装以BGA(BallGridArray)技术为基础,以wafer为加工对象,在wafer上同时对众多芯片进行封装测试,最后切割成单个器件,可以直接贴撞到基板或者PCB上。优点:使封装尺寸减少至IC芯片的尺寸,生产成本大幅度下降 eWLB技术属于fan-outWLP的典型应用 标准型 fan-inWLP 扩散...
G. Haubner, W. Hartner, S. Pahlke, and M. Niessner, "77GHz automotive RADAR in eWLB package: From consumer to automotive packaging,"Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 64, pp. 699-704, 2016.M. Wojnowski1, M. Engl1, B. Dehlink:; G. Sommer', M. Brunnbauer, K. Pressed and R. ...
On the other hand, the different structural design allows to prolong the life by giving more resistance to the crack propagation and also to make the entire package body more flexible. 机译:eWLB(嵌入式晶圆级BGA)由于具有更高的I / O密度,工艺简便性和集成灵活性而...
In this paper, we present a 28 GHz antenna array in package which covers the n257 and n258 frequency bands designated for 5G applications. The dipole antenna array is placed on one of the two re-distribution layers in the fan-out eWLB (embedded Wafer Level Ball Grid Array) package. For...
1.Design and Development of Fine Pitch Copper/Low-K Wafer Level Package and spring 机译:细间距铜/低K晶圆级封装的设计与开发 - Advanced Packaging, IEEE Transactions on - 2010 2.Industrial mmWave Radar Sensor in Embedded Wafer-Level BGA Packaging Technology and spring 机译:嵌入式晶圆级BGA封...
28nm CPI (Chip/Package Interactions) in Large Size eWLB (Embedded Wafer Level BGA) Fan-Out Wafer Level Packages by Kang Chen, Linda Chua, Won Kyung Choi, Seng Guan Chow and Seung Wook Yoon* STATS ChipPAC Pte. Ltd. 5 Yishun Street 23, Singapore 768442 *STATS ChipPAC Pte Ltd. 10 Ang ...
Modified inductor design tuning shows significant improvement in impedance values of power amplifier and also enables overall good performance of the eWLB packaging. And package level reliability test results are also presented in this paper. 展开 ...
A new package integration scheme - embedded wafer level ball grid array (eWLB) technology and package performance is also discussed, that enables better performance and also device miniaturization. II. IPD Fit in PA Solutions for RF Applications The PA in an RF mobile application is the...
Advanced 3D eWLB-SiP (embedded Wafer Level Ball Grid Array – System in Package) Technology FO-WLP (Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging) has been established as one of the most versatile packaging technologies in the recent past and is already accountin... SW Yoon - 《Additional Conferences》 被引...
Integrated eWLB Technology 3D eWLB-PoP The continued demand for higher level of integration has led to the industry's adoption of 3D packaging technologies and, in particular, the Package-On-Package (PoP) configurations. This technology allows for vertical integration of the memory package and the...