最近,EWG(环境工作组)发布了2024年的“The Clean Fifteen”和“The Dirty Dozen”名单,列出了最干净和最脏的15种蔬果。这个榜单主要是根据蔬果中残留的杀虫剂等有害物质来评定的。🌿根据EWG的说明,我在“The Dirty Dozen”名单中的蔬果会尽量选择有机来源,并且认真清洗。EWG也提到,不管是有机还是非有机,选择多...
📢 美国环境工作组织(EWG)2024年最新评测来啦!他们公布了「最肮脏12种蔬果名单」(Dirty Dozen)和「最干净15种蔬果名单」(Clean Fifteen),帮你选对健康食材哦!🍓 在「最肮脏12种蔬果名单」中,草莓依然稳坐榜首,让人惊讶的是,草莓可是我们最爱的水果之一呢!这些蔬果农药残留严重,大家要小心选择。🥑 而「最干...
Buying organic isn't always necessary, but these 12 foods made the EWG's "dirty dozen" list. Find out which foods to buy organic when possible.
EWG's Healthy LivingRatings and Reviews 3.4out of 5 1.5K Ratings
And it would be nice to have direct access to the dirty dozen, which is the entry point for many people to EWG’s work. more flymiester , 12/22/2023 Fantastic app, make better informed decisions I use this app frequently. I’ve been using it to inform myself as much as ...
🔍EWG,即美国环境工作组,近日发布了2024年度的“Dirty Dozen”和“Clean Fifteen”榜单。这些榜单依据蔬果中农药残留的种类与平均含量进行排名。🌱对于我们中国的消费者来说,这无疑是一个重要的参考指南。在挑选水果时,尽量选择那些农药残留较少、更安全的水果,比如有有机标识的水果。🍉为了健康,让我们减少农残摄...
2024-09-2904:11 关注😷蔬果农药残留EWG排名🥦 🍓🥬根据美国环境保护署(EWG)的数据,我们得知了蔬果农药残留的惊人排名!在检测的46种蔬果中,有12种被列入“Dirty Dozen”榜单,意味着它们的农药含量相对较高。😷尽管经过及时彻底的清洗,农药残留问题仍然不容忽视。💦🥇...
example, that tangerines have more pesticides than oranges. Or that chicken is more environmentally friendly than beef. Or that one variety of apple is healthier than another. And it would be nice to have direct access to the dirty dozen, which is the entry point for many people to EWG’s...