One app, countless devices eWeLink is the app platform that supports multiple brands of smart devices including Sonoff. It enables connections between diversified smart hardware and integrates popular Smart Speakers such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home. Moreover, eWeLink works with IFTTT, serving as the...
易微联摄像头app允许用户利用旧的安卓手机进行视频监控。它的设计旨在提供便捷的监控设备管理,即使没有专用摄像机也能实现监控功能。此外,该应用还能与其他智能设备集成,让用户随时随地控制这些设备,从而轻松体验智能化生活。 易微联摄像头app介绍 在旧的Android手机上安装eWeLink Camera App,旧手机将变成智能IP摄像头。支持...
易微联摄像头app是一款摄像机监控手机应用软件,多用于家庭、商铺等场景,通过手机app随时查看监控视频,支持监控视频回放、录像、拍照等功能,还能实现双向通话,有需要的朋友快来IT猫扑网下载吧! 易微联摄像头软件介绍 “只要家里有一部闲置的安卓旧手机,就算没有摄像机也能开启监控模式。” ...
One app, countless devices eWeLink is the app platform that supports multiple brands of smart devices including Sonoff. It enables connections between diversified smart hardware and integrates popular Smart Speakers such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home. Moreover, eWeLink works with IFTTT, serving as the...
One app, countless devices eWeLink is the app platform that supports multiple brands of smart devices including Sonoff. It enables connections between diversified smart hardware and integrates popular Smart Speakers such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home. Moreover, eWeLink works with IFTTT, serving as the...
eWelink APP WiFi Smart Valve DN15 /DN20 /DN25 Smart Water / Gas Shutoff Automated Ball Valve Wireless Control Alexa Compatible summary Intelligent electric water valves are widely used in the Internet of Things and smart home systems. It can be powered by DC5V and driven by a DC motor chip....
1.Control your home appliances with the app. 16A current for most home devices 2.Ask devices to turn on/off just by a voice command. Works With Alexa, Google. (Alice Voice control requires connection to eWeLink ZigBee gateway) 3.APP Remote control. It can realize the remote control of th...
This wireless switch is a low-cost, affordable device with fool type wifi control module, no programming, only need to download an APP and link WIFI then can control the own cloud. As long as the module links WIFI, the connected appliance of different types and brands can be controlled via...