EW【2023匠心之作,格林尼治型40系列①搭配3285机芯,可单调时针,可时针回调日历,还原原装全部功能,品质稳定可靠;②圈口:高科技一体陶瓷外圈,搭配黄金字体;③表壳:尺寸厚度原装一致,厚度仅为12mm; ④字面:顶级瑞士冰蓝色夜光,打磨字钉,颜色对版;⑤玻璃:蓝宝石玻璃搭配2.5倍放大镜效果,玻璃通透;...
Edge AI, Machine Learning Head Pose Droid - Au-Zone Modular AI Vision Kit, NXP i.MX 8M Plus | Toradex EW2023 May 25, 2023 | English所有视频 Join Daniel Lang, our CMO, and this friendly Real-time Head Pose Estimation droid at the Toradex booth at Embedded World 2023!This little guy ...
2023年3月14日至16日,华大北斗携公司自主研发的系列芯片和模块产品亮相全球最大的嵌入式行业展会——德国纽伦堡国际嵌入式展览会(embedded world2023)。作为嵌入式体系业界最重要的年度盛会之一,德国纽伦堡嵌入式展览会是嵌入式行业经济发展和欧盟工业发展的晴雨表,同时也是电子元器件行业最重要的展会。该展会自2003年...
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Joe Fabbre from Green Hill Software showcases their broad support for NXP S32 automotive platforms to support software-defined vehicles (SDVs), including real-time operating systems, hypervisor and advanced software development tools to streamline customers’ development. The service-oriented architecture ...
App Slint 在 Torizon 和 i.MX 8 Apalis 模块上的快速且易用的 UI 套件 | EW2023 24 0 03:18 App Prática 快速微波炉 - 基于 NXP i.MX 7 Colibri 模块, Torizon | Toradex EW2023 18 0 03:00 App Torizon 支持开箱即用的安全启动 12 0 02:46 App Torizon Platform 如何工作 ? - Toradex |...
Kiran Kumar Nagendra from Tessolve talks about their NXP S32G hardware platforms, including system-on-modules (SoMs), 5G telematics gateway and 4G dongle, and their ability to do customization services to help accelerate NXP customers’ development. ...
面向全球、共话存储,佰维邀您莅临国际嵌入式展EW2023 3月14日至16日,为期3天的embedded world 2023(国际嵌入式展)将在德国纽伦堡会展中心隆重举行,大会将吸引参展企业900多家,预计观众达3万人。embedded world是嵌入式行业内最为重要的年度盛会之一,佰维自2016年以来已连续多年参会。此次亮相,佰维将全面展示旗下...
Aug 7, 2023|English 所有视频 Connect your embedded devices to your developers with our simple, ready-to-use, full-stack solution:Torizon! In this video, you will learn more about how our Linux-based platform makes development and deployment for embedded systems simpler, faster, and more reliabl...