近年来,富含二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)的鸡蛋因其丰富的营养价值而成为一种功能性食品,备受消费者青睐.然而,鸡蛋黄含有丰富的DHA,其含量是普通鸡蛋黄的2-3倍,可能也是导致其特殊气味的产生,使部分消费者难以接受,从而失去了对其购买的欲望.由于富含DHA鸡蛋中含有大量多不饱和脂肪酸,在热处理及贮藏过程...
The solution concerns a mixed polypropylene-polyester fibre with matrix-fibrils structure, suitable for preparation of ultra fine polyester fibres intended for production of textile fabrics with improved superficial properties, leather fabric or possibly of filtration and insulation materials. The principle ...
摘要: 王羲之《兰亭集序》号称"天下第一行书",其真伪之争也称得上是"天下第一公案"。《兰亭》真伪之争,大约最早始于南宋,如王铚、姜夔均曾置疑,以致桑世昌、俞松要分别整理《兰亭考》(十二卷)和《兰亭续考》(二卷),作为应对争论的考辨材料。自此以降,直至近年,不仅旧的争论仍未消歇 DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZIJC.0.20...
Indentation of rocks by the Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC) cutter has great impacts on the cutting depth. However, a vast majority of previous studies only focused on the rock cutting process. Further insight into the failure characteristics of rocks subjected to PDC cutter indentation is req...