参考文献: [1]. US Food and Drug Administration. FACT SHEET FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION FOR EVUSHELDTM (tixagevimab co-packaged with cilgavimab). Available at: https://www.fda.gov/media/154701/...
iii. NIHR, OCTAVE TRIAL https://www.nihr.ac.uk/news/octave-trial-initial-data-on-vaccine-responses-in-patients-with-impaired-immune-systems/28529 [Last accessed: March 2022] iv. FACT SHEET FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: EMERGEN...
Issuance of the EUA was based on the results of an unpublished double-blind trial (PROVENT; summarized in the FDA Fact Sheet) in 5172 adults who were not vaccinated against COVID-19 and at elevated risk because of their age (≥60 years), a comorbidity (eg, obesity, COPD, immune comprom...
People eligible for COVID-19 preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with the monoclonal antibody combination of tixagevimab and cilgavimab (Evusheld) should be treated every 6 months to maintain protection against infection, according to the recently revised Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers. Ted ...
III期PROVENT试验表明,Evusheld能够显著降低发生有症状新冠感染的风险,保护作用至少持续6个月。 Evusheld对欧洲主要毒株奥密克戎(Omicron)BA.2亚变异株具有中和活性。 阿斯利康Evusheld(tixagevimab替沙格韦单抗与cilgavimab西加韦单抗组合)是一种长效抗体组合,已获准在欧盟上市,用于成年人和青少年(12岁及以上且体重40...
People eligible for COVID-19 preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with the monoclonal antibody combination of tixagevimab and cilgavimab (Evusheld) should be treated every 6 months to maintain protection against infection, according to the recently revised Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers. Ted S. ...