The method comprises training a neural network for an initial state of said system to obtain a set of neural network parameters to provide a spatial representation of said system at an initial time. The method further comprises modifying said parameters for intermediate times between said initial ...
Action unit analysis enhanced facial expression recognition by deep neural network evolution Facial expression is one of the most powerful and natural signals for human beings conveying their emotional states and intentions. Recently, facial expres... RZA B,CZA B,TLA B,... - 《Neurocomputing》 ...
malicious software that denies users access to their accounts, websites or computer systems until they pay the attacker a specific sum of money. Some of these attacks can learn to evadesecurity measuresusinggenerative adversarial networks(GANs), deep learning architectures that can...
Mining safety is recognized as one of the factors influencing the mining industry’s long-term viability. Therefore, we did a bibliometric analysis to take stock of safety management in the coal mining industry. This study suggests a three-step strategy, comprising literature extraction and screening...
The method comprises training a neural network for an initial state of said system to obtain a set of neural network parameters to provide a spatial representation of said system at an initial time. The method further comprises modifying said parameters for intermediate times between said initial ...